Embedded Continuous Improvement: the foundation for organisation-wide excellence

Posted: Wednesday, 20 June 2012 @ 14:44

Many forward thinking organizations have implemented project-led improvement initiatives. These have yielded tactical solutions that have delivered benefits. This project-led approach to gaining performance enhancement is more effective when integrated within a holistic approach to improvement, says Stephen Walsh of the process improvement consultants, The Burge Hughes Walsh Partnership. The consultancy’s innovative Bronze-Silver-Gold System enables all types of organizations to engage all of their people and implement project-led schemes such as Six Sigma and Lean, within an overarching Embedded Continuous Improvement culture. This holistic programme has far reaching and long-lasting benefits.

Improvement programmes to help companies to cut out waste, boost efficiencies and deliver better customer service come in all shapes and sizes; some are highly complex, while others can be elegantly straightforward.