> When You Are The Best How Do You Get Even Better
When you are the best, how do you get even better?
Posted: Thursday, 1 March 2012 @ 14:57
For that matter, why should you? You are already providing your clients with an excellent service and response. So why should you concern yourselves with looking at your capability? Three good reasons:
1. the workload increases annually
2. to be competitive, we need to eliminate unnecessary cost in our businesses constantly and improve our responsiveness
3. all of us should feel able to contribute to the continuing improvement of our processes
BHW's Focus on Improvement Workshop will help you identify ‘lean’ ways of working using the ‘8Cs’ methodology.
‘Lean’ working means simply operating without fat – or waste. Waste occurs in everything and the trick is to recognise it and then change the operation to eliminate or reduce it. Waste shows itself as cost to the business, which means financial losses. It also steals time, which means less output, which in turn means customers having to wait.
The purpose of the ‘Focus’ workshop is to impart understanding of lean principles and the BHW 8Cs improvement methodology to operations staff, so that everyone can apply these to their part of the process, thereby maintaining quality and reducing needless costs. This will enable the business to cope effectively with the volume of work.
For further information on this workshop click on the link below or contact Stephen Walsh by telephone on +44 (0) 777 579 4472 or email swalsh@burgehugheswalsh.co.uk